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swup v3 swup v3 Helpers
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Helpers that can be used for developing plugins, themes or anything else around swup.

import { getCurrentUrl, updateHistoryRecord } from 'swup';


A class used internally for parsing and passing around URLs. Very thin wrapper around the native URL object with an additional url getter for the path including query params.

Parse a URL from a string:

const href = '';
const { url, hash } = Location.fromUrl(href);
// url = /about
// hash = #anchor

Parse a URL from a link element:

// const linkEl = <a href="">
const { url, hash } = Location.fromElement(linkEl);


Sanitize a string for use in CSS classnames or URL slugs.

Lorem ipsumlorem-ipsum

const className = classify('Lorem ipsum');


Create a new history record via history.pushState, appending custom data as well as internal metadata that swup will recognize as its own.

createHistoryRecord('/new-page', { custom: 'data' });


Update the current history record via history.replaceState, adding custom data as well as internal metadata that swup will recognize as its own.

updateHistoryRecord(null, { custom: 'data' });


Install a delegated event listener on the document using delegate-it.

swup.delegatedListeners.formSubmit = delegateEvent('form', 'submit', (event) =>
  console.log('Form submitted')

Make sure to remove the listener on unmount of a plugin:



Wrapper around swup's XHR request implementation. Receives an options object and a callback that resolves with the finished request object.

fetch({ url: '/about', method: 'POST', data: {} }, (req) => {
  if (req.status !== 500) {
    /* process response */


Return the current page's url.


Given a string of HTML returned by the server as well as a list of container selectors, this method extracts the data required by swup to transition to and render this page.

// Returns { title, blocks, originalContent, pageClass }
const pageObject = getDataFromHtml(html, swup.options.containers);