You are browsing the docs for swup 3.
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swup v3 swup v3 Installation
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There are two ways to install the package.


If you're using a bundler in your project, install swup from npm:

npm install swup

In your application, import swup and create a new instance:

import Swup from 'swup';

const swup = new Swup({
  /* options */


If you're not using a bundler and want to get started quickly, you can include the minified production file from a CDN:

<script src=""></script>

In your main script, create a new instance:

const swup = new Swup();


Swup and its plugins can be imported as ES modules for browsers that support it. The specifics differ depending on the CDN, but here's a pattern for including the ES module where supported, and falling back to a UMD version for older browsers. Note the ?module query string in the first import URL.

<!-- Import Swup as ESM -->

<script type="module">
  import Swup from '';
  const swup = new Swup();

<!-- Import Swup as UMD for older browsers -->

<script nomodule src=""></script>
<script nomodule>
  const swup = new Swup();